care instructions
Cowhide rugs are hardy items and will look great for many years to
come. Remove dust and debris from your cowhide by vigorous shaking from time to
time. Consider rotating your rug if you’ve place it in a high traffic area and
increase the frequency of shaking off dust and debris as needed. When
vacuuming, it is best to reduce the suction power to a lower setting and set
the vacuum head brush in the down position. Try and avoid too much friction
with between the vacuum nozzle and the rug.
liquid spills on the rug, immediately spot clean with a damp cotton cleaning
rag or sponge using mild soapy water. After wiping the rug consider
applying a water and vinegar solution to help balance PH levels and fight
possible odors. For stubborn stains, try
and scrape the stained area in the direction of the hair with a blunt object in
addition to the cleaning steps outlined above.